When working for Saab I found out that they own an ‘adult candy store’; In a tiny office a man held the keys of all the possible competitor cars and they were available for a testdrive! Testing all competitors cars is important to experience a certain standard in order to exceed it. But testing is also fun. Especially on the curvy roads of Sweden. Here you find the range of cars I was able to experience with a smile on my face.
First runner up: off course a 9-3 as a benchmark.
The BMW 330 convertible came second but only due to my passion for Saab.
This rapid Volvo gave me a smile but because everything work so well it tends to get boring.
The C70 had very good looks as a convertible, very quiet and winterproof!
As very well executed remake of the 480, the C30 also has the character to be an outstanding car.
The 9-3 V6 turbo can be driven on- and offroad. It both brings you the sporty sedan it promises to be.
The Cadillac BLS seems an odd one between other Europeans, but actually is build in the Saab factory at Trollhättan, Sweden and shares a lot of components with the 9-3.