The experience of working at Saab
- Under: Cars
For a half year I worked and lived in Trollhättan, Saab-capital of Sweden. Most pictures shown beneath are from the Saab museum next to my house, since photography was strictly prohibited within the design and engineering department. But what you do see is the character of Saab in all of the concept cars shown.
During an end-of-the-day discussion with a colleague he told me this was both the strength and weakness of Saab; Every year in a row they sold about 250.000 Saabs. If they sold more then this amount, using for instance clever marketing campaigns, they always sold less the year after that. This was according to him because if Saab would attract buyers on one side, they would loose them on the other side.
I had a remarkable time, seeing so many people working together on one goal, with so much expertise and style to create these beautiful cars in such a complex industry.